It’s our #BestBreedingPractices that are our true point of difference.

Our Bespoke breeding dogs are in exceptional health and are regularly examined by our Vet, and our Specialist Reproductive Vets at QVS. We strive to produce puppies that are the epitome of excellence, in both health and temperament.

It is our ultimate priority to ensure our Bespoke Spoodle puppies are healthy, happy and clear of any genetic problems.

Of course, just like all responsible owners, our pups and dogs follow a fiercely healthy diet, together with a strict worming, flea, tick and heart worm protection regime ~ we are fastidious
in all that we do.

We do not breed first generation Spoodles [F1]. All of our Bespoke Spoodles are either F1B, F2, F2B or multi-generational. Why ? Because we want to ensure that we breed a dog that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction … we specialise in HYPOALLERGENIC spoodles. This term does not mean the dog is totally allergy safe, but it will definitely cause much less of a reaction, if at all, in dog allergy, and asthma sufferers.

It’s wonderful to note that several of our pups have gone to live with members of families who suffer acutely from asthma and allergies; however we are happy to confirm that they have experienced no issues whatsoever.

Hypoallergenic, meaning “below average” or “slightly” allergenic, is a term meaning that something (usually pets, cosmetics, textiles, food, etc.) causes fewer allergic reactions. The term was first used in 1953.

If you jump on over to our socials, you’ll find lots more gorgeous pics of our darling fluffy Spoos, and more information on what we do, and why we do it

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